Lone Star State 2008

The Awards Banquet
As usual, the Awards Banquet was held Saturday evening. Following the dinner, Debbie Hughes invited all of us to attend 3 Trails KC AIS 2009, next year’s A.I.S. National Convention in Kansas City. Then the many awards were announced and presented. One highlight was a very moving speech given by Frederick Kerr for receiving the 2007 Dykes Medal for his tall bearded iris Queen’s Circle. Following the awards ceremony, Convention Co-Chair Jim Landers recognized the guest gardeners and the various convention chairpersons. To conclude the program, Barry Blyth from Australia entertained us with an entrancing slide show showing the possibilities of new color combinations.
After the Banquet, small groups gathered all over the large room as conventioneers from the many regions said their good-byes. Out in the foyer, the attendees from Region 13 came together for a group photograph. They were
Front row: Rita Butler, George Lankow
Middle row: Philip Remare, Barbara Aitken, Carla Lankow, Linda Williamson, Denise Stewart, Judy Nunn, Gwyneth Jones
Back row: Leonard Schmidt, Liz (hidden) Schreiner Schmidt, Rick Ernst, Kati Ernst, Rod Mendenhall, Thomas Johnson, Bob Williamson, Paul Black, Ted Baker, Keith Keppel, Barry Blyth, and Debby Cole.
I want to thank Paul Gossett, Ruth Barker, Barbara Aitken, and most especially Judy Nunn for their assistance in the preparation of this website.

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Click on the pictures to see larger images. Photos by Ken Fuchs, Larry and Judy Nunn, 2008.
On behalf of all of the Iris Society of Austin members who worked so long and so diligently to make Lone Star State 2008 such a success, I want to thank all attendees who traveled to Texas and to Austin to take part in our convention. We wish Carolyn Ash and Debbie Hughes and their associates all the best as they get ready for next year’s convention in Kansas City.
Ken Fuchs,
May 5, 2008