- Texas
- Appears in more than one season
- Highest achievement
- White, orange, or yellow markings on falls
- Flower arrangement competition category
- Three lower petals
- Small, delicate beardless varieties
- Everything except TBs
- white standards and colored falls
- Underground stem
- Holds up the bloom
- Cold-weather beardless
- Stippled, dotted, or stitched pattern
- Over 27 1/2 inches
- Light blue standards, darker-colored falls
- The craft of creating
- 16 - 27 1/2 inches-tall irises
- A projection of the style-branch
- Fancy extensions
- Surface characteristic
- Should be erect
- Rainbow flora
- Conspicuous hairs on the the falls
- Brushed patterns with clear area around beard
- Sharp extensions
- Space Agers, Flatties, etc.
- A beardless type
- 3 or 5 blooms on display
- Type of beardless
- North American beardless
- Bearded varieties with unusual projections
- A class of irises
- Inner tissue structure
- Standards and fall of different color
- Male reproductive substance
- 16 - 27 1/2 inches tall
- Fancy projection for hungry eyes
- Hybrid varieties containing characteristics of onco and regelia and true bearded irises
- Yellow standards and darker, usually red falls
- Louisiana, Spurias, Japanese, etc.
- 30 years old or more
- Unregistered new variety
- Standards and falls have different shades of same color