Ken Fuchs' Web World
The Fuchs Kids
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The first three Fuchs children: Gertrude, Rudi, Ewald, around 1907
The Fuchs children in front of the house in Marble Falls in 1915:
Ewald, Gertrude, Herman, baby Vernon, Caroline, George, and
Herman gives the twins Marion and Marco a ride on the farm in Abernathy around 1921 as "Nixie" (George) looks on.
Marion gives Marco a big hug, Easter 1922.
Herman, Caroline, and Rudi enjoy a snowball fight on their farm in Abernathy, c. 1921.
Marion, Vernon, Roland, and Marco on the ranch, c. 1926.
Marco (left), Vernon, Marion, and Roland smile during a large family gathering at the ranch in August 1929.
The Fuchs brothers around 1931: Vernon, Roland, Rudi, Marco, George, Marion, and Herman.
Fuchs brothers during the war: Ewald, George, Roland, Marco, and Marion.
| First 3 Fuchs kids |
| At the Marble Falls house, 1915 |
| Herman and the twins, Sep. 1920 |
| Marion and Marco, Easter 1922 |
| Snow fight, Abernathy, early 1920s |
| 4 youngest Fuchs boys |
| Family Reunion, Aug. 1929 |
| 1930 Fuchs brothers, 1930 |
| Fuchs brothers, c. 1943 |