I r i s S o c i e t y o f A u s t i n
Iris Society of Austin Library (as of May 11, 2006)
Annotated Bibliography -- Compiled by Patricia Colacino
Caillet, M., Compbell, J.M., Vaughn, K.C., and Vercher, D. (2000) The Louisiana Iris: The Taming of a Native American Wildflower. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
The revised edition of The Louisiana Iris: The History and Culture of Five Native American Species and Their Hybrids. ($34.95)
Caillet, M. and Mertzwiller, J. (1988) The Louisiana Iris: The History and Culture of Five Native American Species and Their Hybrids. Waco, TX: Texas Gardener Press.
The book covers the history of the Louisiana iris group including hybridization and development of tetraploids. It provides a comprehensive guide to culture of the Louisiana iris.
Fritchie, C. (1990) Louisiana Iris Cultivars. Society for Louisiana Irises.
Includes listing through December 31, 1989.
Frizzell, J. (2001) Tall Bearded Iris Pictorial Reference. Smyrna, TN: Courier Printing.
A visual reference of irises from local growers in Tennessee. ($17.95)
Jeppe, B. (1999). Irises. Hatfield, South Africa: Umdaus Press.
An oversize book with color illustrations.
Kohlein, F. (1987) Iris. Portland, OR: Timber Press.
A translation of a German edition of this gardener’s handbook.
Mitchell, S. (1949, 1960) Iris for Every Garden. New York: Barrows & Company.
Useful information for growing irises in gardens.
Nash, H. and Stroupe S. (1998) Plants for Water Gardens: The Complete Guide to Aquatic Plants. New York: Sterling Publishing Company.
Scientific facts on plants that are commonly available, with all growing details. ($19.95)
Roberts, K. (1998). The 1998 Cumulative Checklist of Reblooming Iris. The Reblooming Iris Society.
An expanded and updated issue with USDA hardiness zones.
Warburton, B. (1978) The World of Irises. Salt Lake City, UT: American Iris Society Press.
A third study of the genus Iris. The first, The Iris, an Ideal Hardy Perennial appeared in 1947.
Alphabetical Iris Checklists
Registrations and Introductions
Library Record Notebook
3/14/06 Handbook for Judges checked out to Sonja Hensley (She said she returned it at the Iris Show, but it is still missing.)
American Iris Society Convention Handbook (Second Edition 2000)
AIS Bulletins
Oct. 1990
Oct. 1991
Apr. 1992
July, Oct. 1993
Jan., Apr., July, Oct. 1994
Jan., Apr., May, July 1995
Jan., Apr., July 1998
Apr., July, Oct. 1999
Jan., Apr., July, Oct. 2000
Jan. 2001
July, Oct. 2005
Jan., Apr. 2006
Section Newsletters
Region 17 Newsletters:
Fall 1993
Spring, Fall 1994
Fall 1995
Spring, Fall 1996
Fall 1999
Spring 2000
Spring 2006
Spuria Iris Society Newsletters
Summer 1992
Winter 1993 (92-93)
Summer 1993
Winter 1993 (93-94)
SLI Newsletter (Quarterly Newsletter of the Society of Louisiana Irises)
December 1991
June, September, December 1992
June, September 1993
Roots (Journal of the Historic Iris Preservation Society)
Fall 1995
Spring 1997
The Medianite (Quarterly Publication of the Median Iris Society)
Spring 1993
Austin Area Garden Center Quarterly Newsletter, Down the Garden Path
December 1999 (2 copies)
March (2 copies), June-September (1 copy) 2000
Winter 2001 (1 copy)
The Siberian Iris
Spring, Fall 1991
Spring 1992
Austin Herb Society
Program 96-96
Society for Louisiana Irises
1941-1991 5oth Anniversary Celebration Publication & Schedule of Activities
Pacific Horticulture
Fall 1979
ISA Show Schedules
1990—1 copy
1991—1 copy
1998—5 copies
2001—1 copy
Misc. Show Schedules
1987, 1988, 1989 (25th Anniversary) New Braunfels IS
1988, 1990 Fort Worth IS
1994 Texas IS
1991, 1992 Dallas IS
1994 Iris Show Final Report and Entry Forms
ISA Consignment Program (September 1996)
Austin Area Garden Council 2001-2002 Yearbook
Musings Before the First Cup of Coffee by Dana Lovvorn (6 copies of poetry)
1993 AIS Calendar
Misc. Catalogs and Lists
Watercolor Flowers (Art Print on t-shirts and totes)
Emerald Garden Nursery (2002)
Lone Star Iris Gardens (1993, 1994)
Shepard Iris Garden (1993, 1994, 1995)
Cooley’s Wholesale List (1994)
Schreiner’s Wholesale List (1994)
TB’s Place 1994
Accent Gardens (1995)
Rainbow Iris Gardens (1995, 1998?, 1999?)
Pleasure Iris Gardens (2001)
Folder with ISA Newspaper Articles and other misc. items
Envelope with copies of all signs to be used for the Iris Show
Envelope with 1996-1997 misc. items
Folder with 1998 misc. items
Folder with 1999 misc. items
Green pocket folder with many misc. letters, ISA newsletter pages, postcards, papers, flyers, etc.