Iris Society of Austin

2005 Iris Show
The 2005 Iris Show was held at the Zilker Botanical Garden Center on Sunday, April 17. There were 18 exhibitors and 121 entries.
Only the best color entries were displayed on the head table. The following winning entries included:
Queen of the Show / Best Specimen /Best Louisiana --
Cajun Sunrise, Lindsey Schell
Runner-up / Best Pink -- Beaux Art, Shirley A. Smith
Best Black -- Magician’s Apprentice, Carolyn Gifford
Best Blue -- Rebecca Ann, Charlie & Sonja Hensley
Best Brown -- Erotic Touch, Charlie & Sonja Hensley
Best Orange -- Thai Orange, Don & Pat Freeman
Best Purple -- Cantina, Lindsey Schell
Best Red -- Cranapple, Charlie & Sonja Hensley
Best Violet -- Mary Frances, Shirley A. Smith
Best White -- Arcadian Mist, Nelda Moore
Best Yellow -- Classical Note, Nelda Moore
Best Plicata -- Change of Pace, Shirley A. Smith
Best Multi-Color -- Thornbird, Don and Pat Freeman
Best Bi-Tone -- Mam Zelle, Shirley A. Smith
Best Blend -- Dance for Joy, Charlie & Sonja Hensley
Best Amoena – English Charm, Charlie & Sonja Hensley
Best Spuria -- Color Magic, Harvey Wilson
Best Species -- Roy Davidson, Don and Pat Freeman
Best Seedling -- CL4, Jim Landers
Best Space Age -- Sunset Point, Pat Byrne
Best Historic -- Mary Frances, Shirley Smith
Best Education -- Spurias, Nelda Moore
Best Artistic Design -- French Impressionist, Pat Freeman
Artistic Sweepstakes -- Nelda Moore
Silver Award and Certificate (for the most blue ribbons) --
Charlie & Sonja Hensley
Bronze Award and Certificate (for the second-most blue ribbons) --
Don & Pat Freeman

Below, Queen of Show winner
Lindsey Schell