Waco Iris Society
The Waco Iris Society is an affiliate of the American Iris Society and one of the fourteen Iris Societies in Region 17, which comprises all of Texas. The Society is a Section 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
The Society's mission is to encourage interest in the growing and propagation of the Iris families.
The Society welcomes all guests and encourages membership in the Waco Iris Society as well as membership in the American Iris Society. The Society's dues are $10 a year.
Each year, the Society hosts a Spring Iris Show, open to anyone who wishes to enter and there is no charge for entry or to just come look at the beautiful blooms. The last Saturday of September each year, the Society holds an Iris Sale, open to the public, at the Greenlife Nursery, located at 1312 N. New Road. Members provide the irises for the sale and the proceeds go to support the Society and the Spring Iris Show.
The Society year begins in September with each qualifying member receiving a free iris rhizome purchased from top hybridizers, followed by an iris auction which is open to everyone in attendance.
Meetings are held on the third (3rd) Saturday of September, November, January, March, and May at 10:00 A.M. at the Crestview Church of Christ Community Center, 7129 Delhi, in Waco.
A Membership Brochure can be found and downloaded here.
W a c o I r i s S o c i e t y