When: Saturday, April 11. Open to the public 1 - 4 P.M.
Where: Austin Area Garden Center, Zilker Botanical Garden,
220 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas 78746
The Theme for the 2015 Show is "Colors of the Rainbow," which will reflect the diversity of forms and colors of the Rainbow Flower.
The Artistic Division will have five Classes:
Class 1 -- "Colors of the Rainbow" -- Novice
Class 2 -- "A Little Bit of Color" -- Small Design
Class 3 -- "Double Rainbow" -- Two Containers
Class 4 -- "A Blend of Colors" -- Designer;s Choice
Class 5 -- "Dinner at the Rainbow Room" -- Table for Two
The 2015 Iris Society of Austin Show Schedule is available here:
Results of the 2015 Show can be found here.
2015 AIS Portland
When: May 18-23, 2015
Where: Portland, Oregon
When: April 5-10, 2014
Where: Dallas, Texas
When: April 15-20, 2013
Where: Dallas, Texas
2013 Society for Louisiana Irises National Convention
Hosted by the Iris Society of Dallas
When: April 21-23, 2013
Where: Dallas, Texas
2012 Cali-Zona Gold
When: April 16 - 21, 2012
Where: Ontario, California
2011 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
2010 Madison, Wisconsin -- "Mad About Iris"
2009 A.I.S. National Convention in Kansas City
When: May 11-16, 2009
Where: Overland Park, Kansas
Pictures of the A.I.S. National Conventions and the 2009-2013 Iris Shows
can be viewed here.
Lone Star State 2008 - the American Iris Society National Convention in Austin, Texas
Experience the highlights of Lone Star State 2008, the American Iris Society National Convention held in Austin and sponsored by our local society. Visit our website now at
2015 Annual Judges Training School --
The annual Judges Training School hosted by the Iris Society of Austin was held Saturday morning, January 24, in Ross Hall at the Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church, 7127 Bee Caves Road, in Austin. Registration began at 8:30 A. M. and the session lasted from 9 to 12. Al Elliott conducted the session. The topic was "Before Awarding the First Ribbon." There was a $5 fee for those attendees seeking credit for certification as a judge, but the session was of general interest to everyone interested in irises and was open to everyone.

I r i s S o c i e t y o f A u s t i n