I r i s   S o c i e t y   o f   A u s t i n
2016 Iris Show

The 2016 Iris Show was held at the Zilker Botanical Garden Center on Saturday, April 9. There were 20 exhibitors:  13 in Horticulture, 11 in Artistic, 1 in Educational, and 11 in Photography. There was a total of 142 entries:  106 entries in the Horticultural Division, 15  in the Artistic Division, 2 in the Educational Division, and 19 in Photography.

Best Specimen of Show, Best Tall Bearded, Best Blend - ‘Baditude’ - Dara Smith

Runner-up to Best Specimen of Show, Best Violet, Best Louisiana - ‘Lady of Lometa’ -
          Don and Pat Freeman

Best Orange
- ‘Abbondanza’ - Donna Little

Best Gold, Best Space-Age - ‘Casino Cruiser’ - Jim Landers

Best Blue - ‘Ty Blue’ - D. Boyle

Best Red -
'Rhett' - Don & Pat Freeman

Best Plicata - ‘Morning Mood’ - Tracey Rogers

Best Multi-Color, Best Median Bearded - ‘Whoopsiedaisy’ - Jaime Hadley

Best Purple, Best Other Beardless - ‘Caesar's Brother’ (Siberian) - Jaime Hadley

Best Historic - ‘Belton Beauty’ - Jim Landers

Best Bicolor - ‘Mercy Marci’ - Donna Little

Best Bitone - ‘Behavin Bad’ - Don & Pat Freeman

Best Brown -
'Loco Coco' - Stephanie Sheridan

Best Amoena - ‘Almost an Angel’ - Stephanie Sheridan

Best Pink - ‘Lenora Pearl’ - Jim Landers

Best White - ‘Skating Party’ - Marney Abel

Best Yellow - ‘Notta Lemon’ - Pat Byrne

Best Gray -
'Devil David' - D. Boyle

Best Collection -
'Plastic Money' - Jim Landers

There were 47 1st-place blue ribbons awarded in the Horiticulture Division

Silver Medal and Certificate (for the most blue ribbons - 9) - Don and Pat Freeman

Bronze Medal and Certificate (for the second-most blue ribbons - 8) - Jim Landers
Special Award for the Best Specimen Hybridized in Texas - ‘Baditude’ -
     Hybridized by Tom Burseen
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'Lady of Lometa'