Iris Shows

The Belton Iris Society 2019 Iris Show was held at Saint Paul's United Methodist Church, 2407 West Avenue P, Temple, Texas 76504-6553, on Saturday, April 6, 2019
Judges for the Horticulture and Artistic Divisions were Laura Smargiasso and Vickie Howard.
Judges for the Photography Division were Bob Renker, Becky Worley, and Jim McClendon.
There was a total of 13 exhibitors:
12 exhibiting in the Horticulture Division
1 exhibiting in the Artistic Division
3 exhibiting in the Photography Division
There were 84 entries in the whole show...
75 entries total in Div 1 (Horticulture) - 59 of those won blue ribbons
1 entry in Div 2 (Seedlings)
2 entries in Div 3 (Artistic)
6 entries in Div 7 (Photos)
Best Specimen, Best Space Age, Best Bicolor, Best Hybridized in Texas - `Jean Queen’ SA -
Alfredo Pintor
Runner-up, Best Tall Bearded - `Hico Huggins’ TB - Tracey Rogers
Best Tan - `Merci Marci’ SA - Bobbie J. Wheeler
Best White - `Free Space’ TB - Bobbie J. Wheeler
Best Bitone - `Voices Carry’ SA - Bobbie J. Wheeler
Best Median - `Backlit Beauty’ IB - Karen Woods
Best Seedling - K-001 TB - Karen Woods
Best Pink - `Cloudia’ TB - Karen Woods
Best Plicata - `Tomball’ SA - Frances Peterson
Best Neglecta - `Walk That Walk’ TB - Frances Peterson
Best Red - `Cranapple’ BB - Frances Peterson
Best Historic, Best Yellow - `Gold Reprise’ TB - Frances Peterson
Best Bulbous - `Apollo’ Dutch Iris - Jaime Hadley
Best Purple - `David’s Symphony’ LA - Jaime Hadley
Best Multi-color - `Willa Mae’ LA - Jaime Hadley
Best Orange - `Dorothy Devenport’ TB - K & M Ball
Best Self - `Belton Beauty’ TB - Tracey Rogers
Best Striped - `Sammy’s Jammies’ TB - Alfredo Pintor
Best Photo - `Irises in the Rain’ - Ken Fuchs
Silver Medal & Certificate (Most blue ribbons in Horticulture Division - 16) -
The Wheelers
Bronze Medal and Certificate (2nd Most blue ribbons in Horticulture Division - 12) -
The Petersons
Best Specimen Hybridized in Texas - ‘Jean Queen’ TB, SA - Hybridized by
Tom Burseen (2005)
The Belton Iris Society 2018 Iris Show was held at Saint Paul's United Methodist Church
2407 West Avenue P, Temple, Texas 76504-6553, on Saturday, April 21, 2018
Judge for the Horticulture and Artistic Divisions was Al Elliott (Georgetown, TX)
Judges for the Photography Division were Bob Renker and Bridget Wiemken.
There was a total of 11 exhibitors:
8 exhibiting in the Horticulture Division
3 exhibiting in the Artistic Division
2 exhibiting in the Photography Division
There were a total of 82 entries:
74 in Horticulture (including one seedling)
4 in Artistic
4 in Photography
Best Specimen of Show, Best Space-Age, Best Yellow - ‘Casino Cruiser’ TB, SA -
BJ Wheeler
Runner-Up, Best Louisiana - ‘Blue Jean Baby’ LA - Don & Pat Freeman
Best Tall Bearded - ‘Jennifer Stout’ TB - Don & Pat Freeman
Best Amoena -‘Heather Pryor’ LA - Jaime Hadley
Best Bi-Color - ‘Cry Me A River’ TB - Don & Pat Freeman
Best Bi-Tone - ‘Eagle Spirit’ TB, SA - BJ Wheeler
Best Blend - ‘Backlit Beauty’ IB - Karen Woods
Best Plicata - ‘Witty’ IB - Donna Little
Best Rimmed - ‘Rare Treat’ TB - BJ Wheeler
Best Self - ‘Sea Knight’ LA - Don & Pat Freeman
Best Striped - ‘Dark Energy’ TB - BJ Wheeler
Best Variegata - ‘Futuristic Finery’ TB - BJ Wheeler
Best Blue - ‘Victoria Falls’Hist, TB - Jim Landers
Best Brown - ‘Fire Mist’ SPU - Don & Pat Freeman
Best Orange - ‘Volunteer Pride’ TB - Tracey Rogers
Best Pink - ‘Okapi Poppi’ TB - BJ Wheeler
Best Purple - ‘Plum Fun’ TB - BJ Wheeler
Best Red - ‘Cherry Cup’ LA - Don & Pat Freeman
Best Tan - ‘Dial a Doll’ TB - Don & Pat Freeman
Best White - ‘White Shimmer’ SPU - Don & Pat Freeman
Best Multi-Color - ‘Golly Gee Whiz’ TB - Jim Landers
Silver Medal & Certificate (Most blue ribbons in Horticulture Division - 17) -
Don and Pat Freeman
Bronze Medal and Certificate (2nd Most blue ribbons in Horticulture Division - 12) -
BJ Wheeler
Best Specimen Hybridized in Texas - ‘Casino Cruiser’ TB, SA - Hybridized by Tom Burseen
The 2013 Iris Show was held on Saturday, April 6, at the Belton Senior Activity Center.
Pictures of the Show can be viewed here.
2013 Belton Show Report
11 Exhibitors 54 Entries
Best of Show - 'Ty Blue' - Jaime Hadley
Runner-Up - 'Notta Lemon' - Shirley Anderson
Silver Award - Don and Pat Freeman
Bronze Award - Gary Whitis
Best Section Award - Tall Bearded - Gary Whitis
Best Historical - 'Belton Beauty' - Gary Whitis
Best Louisiana - 'Rhett' - Don and Pat Freeman
Best Space-Ager - 'Ty Blue' - Jaime Hadley
Best Tall Bearded - 'Notta Lemon' - Shirley Anderson
Best Amoena - 'Sweet Seduction' - Gary Whitis
Best Bi-Color - 'Treasurer Trader' - Gail Jacobs
Best Bi-Tone - 'Way Over There' - Tracey Rogers
Best Black - 'Smoldering Fire' - Don and Pat Freeman
Best Blue - 'Celestial Choir' - Winnie Culp
Best Brown - 'Good Morning Beautiful' - Jim Landers
Best Gold - 'Ruth’s Love' - Nita Culp
Best Orange - 'Glitter Glutch' - Nita Culp
Best Pink - 'Girl Games' - Winnie Culp
Best Purple - 'Some Day Schwab' - Jim Landers
Best Red - 'Ida Red' - Gail Jacobs
Best Violet - 'Christmas Present' - Jaime Hadley
Best White - 'Acadian Mist' - Don and Pat Freeman

'Casino Cruiser'
BJ and Frank Wheeler
'Jean Queen'
Alfredo Pintor
C e n t r a l T e x a s
I r i s S o c i e t y