Related Links
The American Iris Society

The official website of the American Iris Society contains a wealth of information about irises and iris culture. It contains an excellent photo gallery and links to many websites nationwide:
Region 17 -- "Texas" Website

The American Iris Society, Region 17 welcomes you to its website. Region 17 includes the affiliated local iris societies in Texas. Its purpose is to inform and educate the public and society members about the iris flower and plant, along with providing an organization to further the development of the local iris societies.
Iris Society of Austin

The Iris Society of Austin meets regularly at 6:30 P.M. on the second Tuesday of the month at the Zilker Botanical Garden Center.
Zilker Botanical Garden
Austin Area Garden Center
2220 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, Texas 78746
(512) 477-8672
This uniquely Austin collaboration of the City of Austin's Parks and Recreation Department and the Austin Area Garden Council's 39 member clubs features a number of different gardens, including the two newest: the Hartman Prehistoric Garden, installed in the area where dinosaur tracks were found in 1992, and the Green Garden, with areas planted by different local designers with native and well-adapted plants that thrive in Austin's challenging soils and climate.

Visit the Garden's website to keep informed about current and up-coming events at
The Iris Society of Dallas

The Iris Society of Dallas hosted the 2013 A.I.S. National Convention, April 15-20, and will also host the 2014 National Convention, April 5-10, 2014.  Additionally, Dallas also hosted the 2013 Society for Louisiana Irises National Convention, April 21-23.
The Johnson County Iris & Daylily Society is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization located in Cleburne, Texas. Since  1986, the Johnson County Iris & Daylily Society has been supporting educational and community interests in our county,  as well as projects and programs of the American Iris Society and the American Hemerocallis Society.  We meet at 10:00 a.m. monthly at the United Cooperative Services community room, 3309 North Main St., Cleburne, TX, (unless otherwise stated on our calendar).
The Waco Iris Society

The Waco Iris Society year begins in September with each qualifying member receiving a free iris rhizome purchased from top hybridizers, followed by an iris auction which is open to everyone in attendance.

Meetings are held on the third (3rd) Saturday of September, November, January, March and May at 10:00 A.M. at the West Waco Library, 5301 Bosque Blvd., Suite 275, in Waco.
Related Links
The American Iris Society

The official website of the American Iris Society contains a wealth of information about irises and iris culture. It contains an excellent photo gallery and links to many websites nationwide:
Region 17 -- "Texas" Website

The American Iris Society, Region 17 welcomes you to its website. Region 17 includes the affiliated local iris societies in Texas. Its purpose is to inform and educate the public and society members about the iris flower and plant, along with providing an organization to further the development of the local iris societies.
Iris Society of Austin

The Iris Society of Austin meets regularly at 6:30 P.M. on the second Tuesday of the month at the Zilker Botanical Garden Center.
Zilker Botanical Garden
Austin Area Garden Center
2220 Barton Springs Rd
Austin, Texas 78746
(512) 477-8672
This uniquely Austin collaboration of the City of Austin's Parks and Recreation Department and the Austin Area Garden Council's 39 member clubs features a number of different gardens, including the two newest: the Hartman Prehistoric Garden, installed in the area where dinosaur tracks were found in 1992, and the Green Garden, with areas planted by different local designers with native and well-adapted plants that thrive in Austin's challenging soils and climate.

Visit the Garden's website to keep informed about current and up-coming events at
The Iris Society of Dallas

The Iris Society of Dallas hosted the 2013 A.I.S. National Convention, April 15-20, and will also host the 2014 National Convention, April 5-10, 2014.  Additionally, Dallas also hosted the 2013 Society for Louisiana Irises National Convention, April 21-23.
The Waco Iris Society

The Waco Iris Society year begins in September with each qualifying member receiving a free iris rhizome purchased from top hybridizers, followed by an iris auction which is open to everyone in attendance.

Meetings are held on the third (3rd) Saturday of September, November, January, March and May at 10:00 A.M. at the West Waco Library, 5301 Bosque Blvd., Suite 275, in Waco.
The Spuria Iris Society (SIS), a section of the American Iris Society, was organized in 1952. The annual meeting of the Society is held each year in conjunction with the American Iris Society's national convention.

The Society publishes a Newsletter twice a year with articles on hybridizers, culture, information on gardens throughout the country and other items of interest.

Check out this website with a wealth of information and useful tips for all types of gardening:
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