B e l t o n I r i s S o c i e t y
News and Articles
Louisiana Iris Culture -- Guidelines on growing and maintaining Louisiana irises (PDF format)
News - Announcements from the American Iris Society
News & Notes Newsletter: (July 2013)
On July 2, AIS launched its new electronic newsletter, News & Notes. Every AIS member who has shared their current e-mail address should have received the newsletter in their mailbox. This monthly publication will provide updates on what is happening in AIS and the Iris world in between Bulletin issues and alert our e-members when the Bulletin is available online. The scope is larger than what is practical for the Bulletin. We invite our members to report happenings of interest, photo essays, and announcements of significant events. In the future we will be able to survey our readers on various iris topics.
We expect News & Notes to get better and more interesting as it develops. Because you can see its content quickly in the “in This Issue” block, you can easily go to those links that interest you most. Topics that were limited for space in the Bulletin can be expanded via News & Notes. We are eager for you to be an iris reporter and tell us on the PR-committee (robertpries@embarqmail.com, irismom@nc.rr.com, or wrmesser@gmail.com) about the things you would like included. If you did not receive your first issue, check with the membership secretary aismemsec@earthlink.net to see we have your current e-mail on file. If you decide you do not want this publication you can click on unsubscribe at any time. We hope this will become an interactive communication link with the members of our society.
AIS Voucher Program
There is a $25 voucher for irises for members who upgrade their membership and for new members.
B e l t o n I r i s S o c i e t y