B e l t o n I r i s S o c i e t y
B I S Officers for 2013 - 2014
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Woods
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Landers
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nita Culp
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gail Jacobs
Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Fuchs
Karen Woods,
B e l t o n I r i s S o c i e t y
Belton Iris Society
Meeting Minutes
November 09, 2015
The Belton Iris Society 9 November meeting was called to order 6:07 pm by Karen Woods. 13 members were in attendance: Jim Landers, Joan Ervin, Ruth Howlott, Karen Woods, Ken Fuchs, Nelwyn Persky, Shirley Anderson, Susan and David Krauskopf, Gary Whitis, Nita Culp, BJ and Frank Wheeler. We had a visitor, Joann Zieschang, a friend of Nelwyn's. She got interested at a presentation at the Bartlett Woman's Wednesday Club meeting that Karen did on Iris.
Karen mentioned that Delores lost her bed of Tom Burseen irises due to flooding. Any members willing to donate or sell to her rebuilding efforts would be appreciated. We also owe two irises to Karen's father for doing the judging at the show and Karen is also looking for the iris ‘Splurge’ that someone has requested. Nelwyn is looking for some white iris, unnamed is fine, for a friend. Joann mentioned she had iris that she would give away if someone came to dig. Date to be set in the spring.
Spring Sale in April. Joan Ervin will check to see if we can sell (or suggested donation) potted irises at our Show. Donations of iris will be necessary so as you are thinning or moving iris please put some aside for this event.
No meeting in December. Shirley Anderson appointed email notice reminder person. Ken will do the website.
Iris show signup list is going around the tables. Feel free to pick what you wish to do.
January dinner: Discussion on places to go as we need a "party" room. Nelwyn made a motion to use Clem Mikeska's barbecue, Susan seconded and after a little more discussion this was put to a vote and passed. The date will be 11 January. Karen will check to see if space is available. We will have the chinese gift exchange style iris giveaway. Anyone not having one available please let a member know so an extra can be brought in. These may be in a pot or bare rooted rhizome. Everyone will purchase their own meal and family and friends are invited to attend.
Iris Show catering: After some discussion of places Karen made a motion to contactLas Casa's Mexican for catering. Joan seconded, motion passed after voting. This will be 23 April. Payment for meal(s) must be made in advance.
Show categories: After some discussion photographic categories will be single and multiple irises. Karen asked if anyone had any show rules they wished to discuss to change. Jim brought up about background niches. After some talk,Karen made a motion for it to be optional to use a niche and to allow accessories. This was seconded by Gary and passed after voting. Artistic categories will be Iris for my Mother and Iris in Texas.
Labeling: Karen mentioned Sharpie is now making a UV resistant pen, she is trying it out and will let us know how it works. This lead to more discussion on the use of regular sharpies and paint pens, plastic knives and window blinds. Gary mentioned that the brand of paint pen he uses is “Painters”. Gary reminded us that we have several hundred metal markers we have already purchased at .25 each. After some internet looking Karen made a motion with Nelwyn seconding that we sell them at $1 to the public and .75 cents to members. Motion was passed after voting.
Jim mentioned an email he received that AIS calendars for 2016 are on sale at $6, 10 for $36 including shipment. Karen made a motion to purchase 10 to sell at $5 to members, extras to be used as a door prize at our January event. Joan seconding and this was passed.
Karen mentioned we will need to purchase more yellow tablecloths for the show.
Karen mentioned we need to be on the lookout for more projects for an organization or place for iris beds. Joan mentioned that the church has two beds that need to be taken care of as the person who was doing them is unable to at the time.
Nelwyn mentioned that the St. John’s Lutheran Church is having their advent fair this Saturday, 14 November, from 4:00 to 7:30 pm. Home cooked Turkey Dinner available for $10. Also enjoy arts and crafts made by St. John members, auction and silent auctions, baked goods also available. This is on highway 95, 1 mile north of Bartlett.
Meeting adjourned at 7:17.